Wednesday 14 November 2007

Week One

As I started this 2 weeks in I am going to summarise for the beginning of my quest and then post daily.

Day one

Ok, this seems easy enough, had the choc shake for breakfast, as a former chocoholic, this was essential, unfortunately this had never even seen chocolate, let alone be related to the heavenly body itself. Let's hope lunch is better. And it is the mushroom soup is actually pretty good.

I AM STARVING - this is only to be expected when you are only eating 500 calls per day instead of 5000, but still I feel crap and have a headache, which is to be expected so have taken 2 paracetamol and will deal with it.
I have also been to the loo 6000 times, that is also to be expected.
By tea time I am exhausted, and starving, but I down another pint of water and a Thai chilli soup and feel ok.

Day two

Starving again, woke up starving, tried a strawberry shake, ooh that's nice, yum.
More visits to the loo and a horrendous headache.
I remember why I am doing this and push on.

Day Three

Woohoo! I feel good, I knew that I would! well this must mean I am in Ketosis and fat burning.
I have a 'stop-in' with my Lighter Life Counsellor (LLC) where I will get weighed and see if I am in Ketosis.

4.84lbs (to be precise) lighter in 3 days! now we are talking. LLC says not to expect to double it by official weigh in (WI) but maybe another 1lb or so. I can live with that. It would take me 3 weeks to do that on WW, so I am chuffed.

I am definitely in ketosis, so am now allowed to take the bars as well as shakes and soups. Result.

Did I mention I feel good???

The rest of week one

All is well, I have been trying out all the foodpacks and have decided what I like, what I can tolerate and what makes me gag.

Chocolate - yuk
Strawberry - yum
Vanilla - smashing made in to a latte
Raspberry - also yum.
Didn't try the banana as I can't stand them

Thai Chilli - yum
Chicken - ok
Mushroom - ok
Veg - pretty good
Wish there was a bit more choice though

Toffee - GAG
Old style peanut - GAG
Cranberry - GAG
Oh dear!

New peanut - HEAVEN

So now I know what to get next week for my food packs.

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