Wednesday 14 November 2007

Week Two

Weigh in

Total loss for this week is 9.02 lbs RESULT, that is bonkers, over half a stone already. Kate Moss look out!!

Day one

Oh yuk, I can't believe that I have suddenly decided I can't stand the Thai chilli any more, can tastes change that quickly?
I will have to go to the stopin on Saturday and change these up. Strangely though, with a little bit of lo salt I have discovered that all the other are quite OK, but particularly the mushroom.

Day two
My cross trainer arrives. I used to quite enjoy using them at the gym many years ago so DH said he would get me one as an early Christmas present. What more could a girl want than a smaller butt for Christmas?

Day three

Stop in, and I have lost another 1.76 pounds, cool. I like this consistent loss, it certainly keeps you going, when there are husbands at home scoffing kebabs, hmph!
Also swapped all my Thai chilli for mushroom, thank goodness.

Day four

Struggling a bit with the water, I have the St. Clements (SC) and Berry Fruits (BF) flavouring but I am getting a bit sick of it. What to do? I have been posting on Minimins and they have helped out with this.
I need to try and vary things a bit so what I am going to do is.
alternate between plain water, plain fizzy, fizzy SC, hot BF, savoury drink (2 per day max), plain SC and a peppermint tea which I always kick my day off with. I have tried coffee and tea without milk, but I just don't like it. Also tried green tea, yuk.
I have been told that your tastes do change over the weeks, so will maybe try these again at some point.

Day five

Really getting into the cross trainer, just doing 2 mins at a time a few times a day, but that has to be better than nothing. I have also started body brushing, using Dove firming shower gel and body lotion. This is all supposed to help with toning and loose skin. I do have good skin, which I am thankful for, so hopefully all will be fine in this department, but just in case I will keep on with the new regime, my skin is definitely feeling softer for it.
On top of all that I do 50 minutes walking every day to take my DD to nursery and collect her again.

Day 6

All is well, have so far only told MIL and my oldest sister and they are very supportive, so now to tell my mum and see if she will help me through Christmas, which we all know is a minefield of chocolate, baileys and Christmas pudd. *sigh*
DH is totally supportive of the whole thing so I know he will help me as much as he can. I just need a distraction for the real tough times. We are going to SILs for Christmas dinner, I am planning on continuing with the diet and not cheating, so I will take care of her baby who will be 6 months old while everyone else has their dinner.
Then we are going to my mum's for a week. This will be tough, it is always a massive fest of stuffing as much in as you can without throwing up.
This will be very, very difficult. I am not sure how I am going to deal with it, what I do know is that I want to continue with the diet and not lapse at all. I know others have talked of having a little turkey, some veg and maybe a teaspoon of pudding, but quite honestly I don't think I could cope with that.
I just have to find a way through and I am not sure what I can do in advance to help myself. I will have all my foodpacks with me so there will be no excuse to eat.
I will speak with my LLC about it and see what advice she has.

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